Screen Saver, besides the functionality of User Interface decoration, can have the functions of security and discretionary access, when it has enabled the password protection. Screen Saver, like every application, demands substantial resources to work. The latest versions of screen savers are drastically saturated with graphics, what could slow the system down, especially during initial start. This can have an effect, for example, on performance of the disk defragmentation program. Next three system policies are dedicated to restrictions imposing on Screen Saver.
Disable screen savers from running while Disk Defragmenter Active
This system policy can be applied to Windows versions 9.x and ME. It is stored in the "Default" value, in the "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Applets\Defrag\Settings\DisableScreenSaver" key, located in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive. Two Boolean values: "Yes" and "No" respond for the state of this policy. Which of values corresponds to which state of this policy, I think, is clear from the literal meanings of these words in English. If the "Default" value does not store anything, this means that the policy is not enabled. While in enabled state, this policy blocks the screen saver launching when the Disk Defragmenter is active.
The launch of screen saver during the disk defragmenter active can slow down or interrupt the disk defragmenter routine. Here it is necessary to note that this policy affects only the defragmentation program which is provided together with Windows. This system policy does watch the work of disk defragmentors from other vendors, for example, from the Norton Utilities package.
No screen saver
This system policy works in Windows versions 2000 and XP. If this policy is enabled, it will prohibit Screen Saver from launching and blocks all "Screen Saver" section with saver settings. It is stored in DWORD "ScreenSaveActive" value in "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop" key of HKEY_CURRENT_USER system registry hive. The "0" value means active state of this policy and protection of the Screen Saver launch. The "1" or its absence is analogous to the state, when the policy is not configured and there is no prohibition to Screen Saver against launching or their settings adjusting.
Password protect the screen saver
This system policy can be also applied only in Windows versions 2000 and XP. Comparing with other system policies given in this article, its state can be represented by a pair of Boolean values, coming to the binary "yes" or "no". It has three states. This policy is stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive in DWORD "ScreenSaverIsSecure" value, which must be located in "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop" key. This policy responds to, whether the Screen Savers, which are used in Windows system, resort to passwords and prohibits setting (changing) Screen Saver password by means of Display Properties application.
This policy has three states:
- The "ScreenSaverIsSecure" value is absent in system registry. The behavior of screen saver is usual and the passwords can be changed, set or using of them can be canceled with the aid of check box window "Password protected".
- The value stores "0". In this case, the password protection is compulsorily disabled.
- When the value is "1" the passwords for screen savers are compulsorily enabled.
If the "ScreenSaverIsSecure" value is present in "Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop" system registry key and it stores any of "1" or "0" values, it means that the policy is in active state and the check box window is blocked. On the other hand, it will be impossible to enable or disable password protection until the value is deleted from the registry.
The above-described policy "No Screen Saver" has the priority over this policy. If the policy "No Screen Saver" is enabled state, the system ignores the state of "Password protect the screen saver" policy.
Allow only bitmapped wallpaper
This system policy, having the range of Current User, allows using only bitmapped images of bmp-format for the Desktop wallpaper. It ought just now to mention that it can be applied for Windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP. The policy will work in Windows 95 and NT, with Explorer 4.0x or higher installed together with the "Active Desktop". And, on condition, that the "Active Desktop" is not disabled by the system policy. It is related to the "Active Desktop" management and that is why its consideration is out of topic of present article.
The DWORD "NoHTMLWallPaper" value, stored in "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ActiveDesktop" key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive, responds for state of this policy. This value accepts two states "1" or "0". The "0" value or its absence disables the system policy.
Disable Changing Wallpaper
This system policy, having also the range of Current User, prohibits from Desktop wallpaper changing. Like previous policy, it is related to the policies for "Active Desktop" management and works in Windows 98, ME, 200 and XP. "Disable Changing Wallpaper" can be applied in Windows 95 and NT, when Internet Explorer 4.0x is installed with the "Active Desktop".
The DWORD "NoChangingWallpaper" value, located in "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ActiveDesktop" key, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive. This value can have two states: "1", when the policy is enabled, or "0" (absence of value), when the policy is not activated. If the "Active Desktop" is not installed or it is disabled by the policy, this policy is ignored.
Disable Display in Control Panel
This policy prohibits Display application from launching and using. When it is activated, it will be necessary to work directly with registry by means Regedit or third-party vendors utilities to change the Display settings. Its range is Current User. The message is appeared, while attempt to launch Display application, explaining that Administrator disabled Display.
DWORD "NoDispCPL" value accepts two of Boolean values: "1" or "0". Its "0" value or its absence disables the system policy. The value "1" activates the system policy. This value is stored in "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" key, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive.
The implementation in Activity and Authentication Analyzer
In order to see the state of some of above-mentioned policies or to manipulate them in Activity and Authentication Analyzer follow in the left navigation pane next way:
Computer Administration then Control Panel, later Display and find in the right list items corresponding to these policies named:
- Disable Screen Saver while Disk Defragmenter Active
- No screen saver
- Password protect the screen saver
In order to see the state of some of above-mentioned policies or to manipulate them in Activity and Authentication Analyzer follow in the left navigation pane next way:
Computer Administration then Active Desktop and find in the right list items corresponding to these policies named:
- Allow only bitmapped wallpaper
- Disable Changing Wallpaper
To see the state of Disable Display in Control Panel policy or to manipulate it in Activity and Authentication Analyzer follow in the left navigation pane next way:
Computer Administration then Control Panel and find in the right list item corresponding to the policy named:
- Disable Display in Control Panel